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Temporal coordination of the transcription factor response to H2O2 stress (2024)

Jose, E., March-Steinman, W., Wilson, B. A., Shanks, L., Parkinson, C., Alvarado-Cruz, I., ... & Paek, A.L.

Nature Communications, 15(1), 3440.


FOXO nuclear shuttling dynamics are stimulus-dependent and correspond with cell fate (2023)

Lasick, K. A., Jose, E., Samayoa, A. M., Shanks, L., Pond, K. W., Thorne, C. A., & Paek, A. L.

Molecular Biology of the Cell, 34(3), ar21.

Feedback in the β-catenin destruction complex imparts bistability and cellular memory. (2023)

Cantoria, M.J., Alizadeh, E., Ravi, J., Varghese, R.P., Bunnag, N., Pond, K.W., Kettenbach, A.N., Ahmed, Y., Paek, A.L., Tyson, J.J., Doubrovinski, K., and Thorne C.A.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(2).

Live-cell imaging in human colonic monolayers reveals ERK waves limit the stem cell compartment to maintain epithelial homeostasis (2022)

Pond K.W., Morris J.M.,Alkhimenok O., Varghese R.P., Cabel C.R., Ellis N.A., Chakrabarti J., Zavros Y., Merchant J.L., Thorne C.A.†, Paek A.L.†

Elife e78837. †Corresponding Authors

Weakly supervised deep learning for detecting and counting dead cells in microscopy images (2019)

Chen S., Li A.,Lasick K., Huynh J., Powers L., Roveda J., & Paek A.

2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Machine Learning And Applications (ICMLA). IEEE, 2019.

Designing combination therapies with modeling chaperoned machine learning (2019)

Zhang, Y., Huynh, J., Liu, G., Ballweg, R., Aryeh, K., Paek, A., Zhang, T.​

PLOS Computational Biology. 10.1371.

Hidden heterogeneity and circadian-controlled cell fate inferred from single cell lineages (2018) 

Chakrabarti, S.*, Paek, A. L.*, Reyes, J., Lasick, K. A., Lahav, G., & Michor, F. 

Nature communications, 9(1), 5372. * These authors contributed equally

Drug-induced aneuploidy and polyploidy is a mechanism of disease relapse in MYC/BCL2-addicted diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (2018)

Islam, S., Paek, A. L., Hammer, M., Rangarajan, S., Ruijtenbeek, R., Cooke, L., … & Mahadevan, D. 


A dynamical framework for complex fractional killing (2017)

Ballweg, R., Paek A.L. and Tongli Zhang

Scientific Reports

Cell-to-cell variation in p53 dynamics leads to fractional killing (2016)

Paek A.L., Liu J.C., Loewer A., Forrester W.C. and Lahav G.

Cell 165: 631-642.

Draft Genome Sequence of the Ale-Fermenting Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strain GSY2239 (2015)

U’Ren, J. M., Wisecaver, J. H., Paek, A. L., Dunn, B. L., & Hurwitz, B. L. 

Genome announcements, 3(4).

DNA replication: failures and inverted fusions (2011)

Carr A.M., Paek A.L., Weinert T.

Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 22:866-874.

Replication error amplified (2010)

Kaochar S., Paek A.L., Weinert T.

Science. 329:911-913.

Fusion of nearby inverted repeats by a replication-based mechanism leads to formation of dicentric and acentric chromosomes that cause genome instability in budding yeast (2009)

Paek A.L.*, Kaochar S.*, Jones H., Elezaby A., Shanks L., Weinert T.

Genes and Development. 23: 2861-2875.* These authors contributed equally

The replication fork’s five degrees of freedom, their failure and genome rearrangements (2009)

Weinert T., Kaochar S., Jones H., Paek A., Clark A.J.

Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 21: 778-784.

Evolution of variants of yeast site-specific recombinase Flp that utilize native genomic sequences as recombination target sites (2006)

Bolusani S., Ma C.H., Paek A., Konieczka J.H., Jayaram M., Voziyanov Y.

Nucleic Acids Research. 34:5259-5269.

Mechanisms for Chromosome and Plasmid Segregation (2006)

Ghosh S.K., Hajra S., Paek A., Jayaram M.PLOS Computational Biology. 10.1371

Annual Review of Biochemistry.  75: 211-241.

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